Typography lovers, ecco alcuni account Instagram da seguire per trovare ispirazione

Se sei un amante della tipografia, dei font, e del lettering creativo? Allora ecco alcuni account Instagram che potrebbero interessarti. Questi illustratori potrebbero essere d’ispirazione per i typography lovers, per trovare qualche spunto o giusto per godersi un po’ di font porn.

Eccoli di seguito.

Tick Tock

A post shared by Guillermo Vigil (@memovigil) on



Supreme♦️Pen: Pilot Parallel

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In the end it doesn't even matter.

A post shared by Gosha Bondarev (@goshawaf) on

Remember that you rock! You won’t rock some day, or rock when you achieve this reward or get that job. You rock right now. I need to remind myself of this often, sometimes multiple times a day. I am not awesome when I get a lot of likes, money, or accolades. I am awesome all the time. This truth fluctuates based on my perception, and how I feel about myself. That other stuff, external validation, is fleeting. There will never be enough likes, money, and accolades to fill the void where confidence could be.⠀ __⠀ We are our harshest critics, and we are assholes to ourselves. Every day we have a choice between our positive and negative thoughts. Every day I choose “I’m growing and learning” over “I should just quit.” Every day I choose “I can” over “I can’t.” When the doubts creep in, and they always will for me, it’s my answer to those thoughts that counts. I rock because I know that it is an achievement to show up every day, face the doubts, ask for help, move ahead, and keep going. You rock when you realize all the things you have already achieved and are already great at. You really do rock!⠀ __⠀ This idiYUM is an ode to my childhood rock candy memories by the beach. Check out the series at idYUMs.com.⠀ ___⠀ Software used: @adobeillustrators, #Cinema4D #c4dtoa⠀ _ #idiyum #idiyums #rockcandy #yourock #candy #inspirational #recovery #passiontopaid

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